Training Portal

Show your employees you care

Completing your course

Become a Carer Friendly Employer

Our online training courses offer organisations the chance to demonstrate they support and celebrate Carers in the workplace. Once organisations have shown they meet the criteria they become one of our Carer Friendly Employers.


Employees wellbeing

An inclusive, diverse workplace culture fosters a sense of belonging, safety and purpose for employees.

Staff retention

It will help you retain talented and experienced staff and is likely to reduce stress and sickness levels.


Creating a sense of belonging in the workplace results in greater on-the-job effort and higher employee performance.


It will help you attract new talent, investing in employees will help you become an employer of choice.


Your business will be seen as inclusive and progressive and you will be able to use the kitemark throughout your business.


Prepare your organisation for the future – the number of Carers in the UK is predicted to increase by 60% by 2030.

Learn how to access this website.

Carer Friendly Employers

Registered Office:

Enterprise House
Enterprise City
Meadowfield Avenue
County Durham
DL16 6JF

Charity Number: 1069278
Company Number: 3534933
© Copyright 2023 Durham County Carers Support | All Rights Reserved